Sunday, February 28, 2016

Made of Many Members

1Co 12:14  For the body does not consist of one member but of many.
1Co 12:15  If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," that would not make it any less a part of the body.

A body cannot function without many members. If the body was just hands, or just feet it wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything. There are many different parts to the body and when they are all working together and in obedience to the head they can accomplish a lot. We as the church are the body. Just like in the human body the church has many different parts and we have Christ as the head. We should all be obedient to Christ. Not everyone has the same skills or gifts. So we are all going to able to accomplish different things. Just because not everyone is going to be preaching doesn’t make it any less important. The hands are just as important as the mouth and the feet are just important as the hands.  Every part of the body is important. Belittling yourself as useful in the body doesn’t change that you are a part of the body. If a foot says that they don’t belong to the body, it doesn’t change the fact that they are still connected to the body. So feet should do what they can do. Every part of the body has a purpose so just like the body, in the church every person should do what they can do, because every person is useful for the body when they are all obedient to the head and working together. If there are two feet, but they are trying to walk different directions the entire body will suffer and not be able to go anywhere. So the body of Christ should be obedient to Him as the head and be united together.

Today I will pray that the Lord would strengthen the entire church and that He would continue to use it and expand it. I will also pray that God would continue to show me where in the body I should be.

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